But, once again, God's people are waking up, crying out to him. Đến nơi, Chúa Giêsu thấy người ta khóc lóc, kêu la ầm ĩ.
He has no empathy for the people he ripped off.” Người ta chưa giơ roi mà mình đã kêu la ầm ĩ".
But in justice to them be it said, that neither of them had complained of (văn) ① Kêu la ầm ĩ; ② 【譊譊】nao nao [náonáo] Tiếng tranh cãi ầm ĩ.
Therein, Plaintiff asserts that “[t]his case should not be dismissed. (văn) ① Kêu la ầm ĩ; ② 【譊譊】nao nao [náonáo] Tiếng tranh cãi ầm ĩ.
They do not have to ask permission to have some, nor are they ever told “no” that they cannot have a snack. (văn) ① Kêu la ầm ĩ; ② 【譊譊】nao nao [náonáo] Tiếng tranh cãi ầm ĩ.